HHPCL's TCM practitioners possess profound knowledge and have achieved numerous successful cases in eczema treatment. They utilize unique Chinese herbal formulas combined with traditional therapies such as acupuncture and moxibustion to alleviate the discomfort of eczema, including itching, redness, and swelling, while promoting overall health. Alongside TCM treatment, HHPCL provides dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help patients reduce the chances of eczema recurrence. Therefore, it is a trusted recommendation for eczema TCM treatment.

If you are troubled by eczema and seeking a reliable TCM recommendation, HHPCL is an excellent choice. We are dedicated to improving eczema from the inside out and providing professional and attentive TCM medical services. When searching for a recommendation for eczema TCM, consider HHPCL.

Common symptoms of eczema include:

- Redness of the skin

- Itching

- Dry skin

- Blisters

- Peeling

- Thickened skin

- Inflammation

- Increased or decreased pigmentation

TCM Perspective on Eczema

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), eczema is classified as a skin disorder, and its development is believed to be related to external environmental factors and internal bodily imbalances. It can be caused by external pathogenic factors such as wind, heat, cold, and dampness, as well as internal factors such as damp-heat and qi stagnation with blood stasis. TCM considers the formation of eczema to be associated with imbalances in yin and yang, dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, emotional instability, and disrupted circulation of qi and blood. Eczema is referred to as "damp toxic sores" in TCM, where "damp" refers to the decline in the functions of the internal organs, leading to damp stagnation, and "toxic" refers to certain heat toxins that trigger sensitive reactions in the body.

To treat eczema, TCM practitioners need to make a differential diagnosis. They observe the patient's tongue appearance, inquire about the patient's medical history, and examine the pulse to identify the type and causes of eczema. Treatment is then tailored based on the individual's constitution and underlying factors.

TCM treatment for eczema generally involves the following strategies:

1. Harmonizing Yin and Yang: Using herbal medicine and acupuncture to restore the balance of yin and yang in the body.

2. Strengthening the Spleen and Eliminating Dampness: Using herbs that support the spleen and promote the elimination of dampness.

3. Clearing Heat and Detoxifying: Clearing heat toxins from the body to reduce skin inflammation.

4. Soothing the Liver and Regulating Qi: Regulating emotions, maintaining smooth flow of qi and blood, and relieving qi stagnation caused by emotional stress.

5. Nourishing Blood and Moistening Dryness: Supplementing blood and moisturizing the skin to prevent dryness.

Eczema is considered a complex condition with multiple factors in TCM, and its treatment requires comprehensive diagnosis and individualized treatment based on constitutional differences.

Case Studies on TCM Treatment of Eczema in Hong Kong by HHPCL

As a recommended TCM clinic for eczema, HHPCL's TCM practitioners have helped many eczema patients improve their condition and achieve long-lasting relief. Here are two eczema treatment case studies conducted by our TCM practitioners in Hong Kong.

  • The first case involves Mr. Li, a programmer who had been suffering from eczema on his neck and arms for a long time. His skin condition worsened after prolonged computer use, often experiencing dryness and intense itching. After observation and a thorough medical history inquiry, HHPCL's TCM practitioner determined that Mr. Li's eczema symptoms were related to liver depression transforming into fire and lung dryness with spleen dampness. The recommended treatment plan included the use of "Long Dan Xie Gan Tang" combined with "Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang" to soothe the liver, resolve depression, moisturize the lungs, and eliminate dampness. Additionally, Mr. Li was advised to regularly practice Tai Chi and engage in other stress-reducing exercises to improve his overall well-being. After two months of TCM treatment and lifestyle adjustments, Mr. Li's skin inflammation significantly decreased, and the frequency and severity of eczema flare-ups reduced. He now focuses on maintaining a better work-life balance and continues with daily health-promoting habits.

  • The second case involves a high school teacher who had been troubled by eczema on her legs for a long time, experiencing symptoms such as redness, itching, and scaling. She especially felt discomfort during the summer and humid weather. Through careful diagnosis, HHPCL's TCM practitioner determined that Ms. Wang's eczema was caused by internal dampness overflowing and blood heat. The recommended TCM herbal formula included "Huang Lian Jie Du Tang" combined with "Di Huang Tang" to clear heat, detoxify, nourish blood, and moisturize dryness. Simultaneously, Ms. Wang was advised to avoid indigestion and allergenic foods and use skincare products with natural ingredients. After four weeks of continuous TCM treatment, Ms. Wang's eczema symptoms significantly improved, and with further maintenance and preventive measures, she was able to effectively control eczema relapses.

Common Questions about TCM and Eczema

1. What are the causes of eczema from a TCM perspective?

   From a TCM perspective, the causes of eczema can be broadly categorized into internal and external factors. Internal factors directly contribute to the development of eczema, while external factors exacerbate the symptoms.

   Internal factors:

   - Congenital weakness of the spleen and stomach, leading to accumulation of phlegm-dampness due to the inability to transform excessive food.

   - Excessive consumption of raw, cold, frozen, fried, or greasy foods, causing dysfunction of the spleen's transportation and transformation functions.

   - Emotional stress affecting the spirit and blood vessels, resulting in excessive blood heat or the accumulation of heart fire and spleen dampness, leading to the onset of eczema.

External factors:

- Long-term residence in low-lying areas.

- Regular exposure to moisture and water.

- Dependence on suppressive medications.

2. How does TCM classify patients with eczema?

In TCM, patients with eczema are generally classified into three types: damp-heat type (acute eczema), spleen deficiency type (subacute eczema), and blood deficiency with wind-dryness type (chronic eczema). The characteristics of the damp-heat type (acute eczema) include sudden onset, skin lesions with burning sensation, oozing of yellow fluid, relentless itching, and common symptoms of abdominal distension, thirst, constipation, and dark urine. The characteristics of the spleen deficiency type (subacute eczema) include a slower onset, skin lesions with slight redness, watery discharge, poor appetite, mental fatigue, bloating in the lower abdomen, and loose stools. The characteristics of the blood deficiency with wind-dryness type (chronic eczema) include long-standing chronic illness, dark-colored skin lesions, intense itching without yellow or watery discharge.

3. Can TCM in Hong Kong effectively treat eczema?

TCM treatment for eczema in Hong Kong includes internal herbal medicine, external washing, acupuncture, and cupping. Clinical evidence has shown that this combination is the most effective method for curing eczema. The approach focuses on eliminating the accumulated heat toxins from the body and improving the constitution by strengthening the spleen, resolving dampness, promoting blood circulation, and clearing toxins, restoring normal functions.

4. How long does TCM treatment for eczema in Hong Kong take?

The duration and effectiveness of TCM treatment for eczema in Hong Kong vary depending on the individual's constitution and the severity of the condition. Some patients may experience significant improvement after two weeks of TCM treatment, while others with more severe cases may require a longer duration of treatment. If you are unsure about the underlying causes of your eczema, it is recommended to schedule an appointment with a TCM physician at HHPCL for a detailed diagnosis and to receive appropriate TCM treatment for eczema.

5. What TCM-recommended methods are there to care for the skin of patients with eczema?

Regardless of the type of eczema, patients should avoid using soap and bathing in hot water. Additionally, the following TCM-recommended external washing formula using herbal medicine can be used to soothe the itching caused by eczema.

TCM-recommended external washing formula: Bai Xian Pi, Ku Shen, She Chuang Zi (1 tael each)

Method: Boil the ingredients in 12 bowls of water over a fire for 30 minutes.

6. Which acupoints does TCM recommend massaging to treat eczema?

TCM does not recommend massage as a treatment for patients with eczema because touching the affected areas with hands may worsen the condition. However, acupuncture can be used for treatment. Commonly used acupuncture points recommended by TCM for eczema include Hegu, Sanyinjiao, and Zusanli, but the selection of acupoints should be based on the patient's condition.

7. What soup-based dietary recommendations does TCM make to improve eczema?

From a TCM perspective, eczema patients are mainly classified into damp-heat, spleen deficiency, and blood deficiency with wind-dryness types. TCM recommends the following dietary therapies for patients with different constitutions:

Damp-heat type:

TCM-recommended dietary therapy: Rehmannia and Honeysuckle Duck Soup

Ingredients: Rehmannia (5 qian), Honeysuckle (3 qian), one duck, lean meat (6 taels)

Method: Clean the duck and remove the internal organs, add all the ingredients to 10 bowls of water, and simmer for 3 hours.

Spleen deficiency type:

TCM-recommended dietary therapy: Poria, Adzuki Bean, and Turtle Shell Soup

Ingredients: Poria (1 tael), Adzuki Bean (2 taels), turtle shell (1 pair), lean meat (6 taels)

Method: Slice the Poria, and add it together with the adzuki beans, lean meat, and turtle shell to 10 bowls of water, and simmer for 3 hours.

Blood deficiency with wind-dryness type:

TCM-recommended dietary therapy: Wind-Dispersing Pork Rib Soup

Ingredients: Chuanxiong (3 qian), Danggui (3 qian), Rehmannia (5 qian), Chishao (5 qian), Bai Xian Pi (5 qian), Fangfeng (3 qian), Jingjie (3 qian), Honeysuckle (3 qian), pork ribs (8 taels)

Method: Wash all the herbs and pork ribs, add them to 10 bowls of water, and simmer for 3 hours.

8. Do the external ointments recommended by TCM for eczema have any side effects?

The external ointments recommended by HHPCL TCM for eczema generally consist of natural and simple ingredients, and they have minimal side effects compared to the topical creams commonly used in Western medicine for treating eczema. For example, the "Ziyun Cream" we often recommend in TCM for eczema contains ingredients such as Lithospermum, Danggui, and sesame oil, which effectively reduce inflammation, relieve itching, moisturize the skin, and soothe eczema.

9. What dietary taboos should be observed when managing eczema with TCM?

When managing eczema with TCM, it is important to consider the overall balance and prevent recurrence. It is recommended to maintain a light and bland diet, avoiding spicy, greasy, seafood, and beef, which can cause allergies or increase damp-heat in the body. Smoking and alcohol should also be avoided. Additionally, TCM recommends consuming a diet consisting of whole grains, vegetables, and moderate amounts of fruits.

10. How does TCM view the issue of eczema recurrence?

TCM believes that eczema recurrence is related to individual constitution, environmental factors, emotions, diet, and other factors. Therefore, while treating eczema with TCM, it is important to address and prevent recurrence by adjusting these aspects.